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ULTRA-MODERN Correctional Service

ULTRA-MODERN Correctional Service



Our Health & Wellness Culture constitute severe and exact monitoringof Correctional staffers, court officials,businesses, or any public servant who commits a act

Valid until canceled

Illegal, unfair and unjust practices are the common denominator in our communities. We all have been subjected to some form of injustice by a law enforcement agent, prosecutor, judge, court appointed attorney, public defender, etc. 


You must expose the System and accept how it operates. And now consider, why is it that the same government agent we employ, has no problem with openly failing at their duties, or abuses their delegated authority. That's clearly unjust, additionally it's the equivalent of biting the hand that feeds you.


95% of Americans personally experienced an  abuse of power or some form of injustice by a government agent who easily avoids all liability due to them being cloaked with “Qualified Immunity” or found themselves subjected to a proceeding of zero due process. Some have loved ones who are undergoing the judicial or the correctional system, only to leave the proceeding feeling disgusted and certain that the System is unfair, crooked or blatantly unjust. ./


 The million-dollar inquiry is what is the alternative  for these failures, abuses of power and why should incorrections be immune from our Ultra Modern Correctional Service.. 


The goal is to have a easy accessible national network filled with detailed reliable data of public servants, including:

  • Police officers 

  • Prosecutors

  • Judges 

  • Veteran Affairs agent 

  • Probationary agent

  • Affairs agent 

  • Corrections agent


Moreover, no one is cloaked in immunity when it comes to producing an alternative Correct System.


 There has never been an alternative for our  collapsed judicial  and correctional system until our Ultra Modern Correctional Service.


I am talking about the same collapsed criminal justice system that causes the poorest communities to suffer the most from a system of oppression and suppression. 


Which is  why you,  your family, friends and all your networks  need to join The Confined Human Collective A Health and Wellness Culture, participate in our Ultra Modern Correctional Service, present your truth and  have your story viewed by millions to understand all injustices, because together we can ensure liberty and justice for all.


Our Ultra Modern Correctional service provides all the tools necessary to assist you get your ad in circulation. Our service ensures that  you can be an asset to your loved ones and your community.

Neyvah Media A Proactive Mental Health Culture's producers will create an Ultra Modern Correctional Service ad for you and post it on your members page and the Ultra-Modern Correctional Group. You have approximately 30 days from the post date to enjoy your Ultra-Modern Correctional Service ad.

 Additionall you get a Wellness Verdict that we will monitor on our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, tik Tok, YouTube, Twitter).

Ultra Modern Correctional Service includes;

  • Production of a Ultra-Modern Correctional Service ad, that will be posted on our user friendly website.

  • Manage your members  page.

  • Receive one color copy of your account's friends. (Mailed to address provided. We will not email).

  • Update page status daily 

  • Send unlimited inbox messages to friends,family, business associates daily

  • Receive inbox messages from friends, family and business associates daily.

  • Search up to five (5) members per week on your desired social media platform.

  • A 3 minute Remote Production Studio Recording Session to capture your audio content.

Additionally you are also;

  • Permitted unlimited post in the Ultra Modern Correctional Group.

  • Admitted into the Confined Human Collective A Health and Wellness Group 

  • Publication in the Confined Truth

  • 24/7 Emancipation Professional support

  • Unlimited Access to All Health and Wellness lectures

  • Access to our Therapeutic Hotline

  • Access to our Confined Human Crisis Text/email service to ensure your welfare while confined.

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