Our Economic Accountability & Transparency Therapy is geared toward anger management, basic cognitive skills, criminal thinking, emotional self-regulation, cognitive processing, illness management, recovery, traumatic stress, resilience, and seeking strength
Know your worth..You get $37,000 a year...
Prision is a business and a sucessful business has economic security, not because they control vast sums of money, but for the better reason of providing profitable employment... and through this technique their employees can provide goods and services of excellent quality to countless confined humans.
Evidently their is a dire need for some Accountability and Transparency to be instituted because profits continue to increase at the expense of taxpayers... but the prison industry's service module does not cover the bills.
Consider this...Each confined is allocated $37,000 a year... doesn't it make sense that Neyvah Media offer a therapeutic program to monitor when and how these public funds are being spent?
I guarantee you that its soothing for everybody involved when Accountability and Transparency is a comnon goal.
Moreover, the real problem that fuels Deliberate-sike-O-logical or any post traumatic confinement injury is that inmate funds are knowingly exploited...whether it is personal funds or the budgets enacted by congress to ensure minmum goods and services are available for the confined.
Now...the moral of this Accountability and Transparency Podcast Therapy is that all the above mentioned is only done because no one wants to monitor prision economics.
Additionally, here is another fact you must consider... prison administrators only care about profits and loss margins... this results in a total failure in rehabilitation or actually instituting PROGRAMMING at their facilities.
Neyvah Media's Confined Human Economic Accountability and Transparency Podcast Therapy allows prisoner to compile data on where the money is going.
Financial Wellness Service
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