Healthy Protest Service
The Confined Human Collective's Healthy Protest Thrapy is the united problem solving treatment... it's The Healthy "CALL TO ACTION", utilized for expressing concerns together
Valid until canceled
The Confined Human Collective A Health and Wellness Culture's Healthy Protests Service is the United problem solving method, it's the Ultra Modern Healthy “Call To Action”, that is utilized for expressing concerns together.
Are Ultra Modern “Picture Picket” telecommunication feature ensures memberd can work together to get answers and results from whoever or whatever has committed an active injustice.
Neyvah Media A Proactive Mental Health Culture will publish and produce all Healthy Protest request, conversations, correspondence in hopes that by exposing the truth, we can subsequently raise awareness of the injustices occurring throughout the judicial and correctional systems.
Neyvah Media A Proactive Mental Health Culture's producers will Produce a Picture Picket for you and post it on your members page and the Healthy Protest group. You have approximately 30 days from the post date to enjoy your Healthy Protest Service.
Additionally, we will forward your Picture Picket electronically to 30 of your desired contacts instantly.
Healthy Protest Service includes;
Production of an Picture Picket ad, that will be posted on our user friendly website and your members page.
24/7 Management and Monitoring of your Confined Human Collective A Health and Wellness Culture's Member page.
Receive one color copy of your account's friends. (Mailed to address provided. We will not email).
Update page status daily
Send unlimited inbox messages to friends,family, business associates daily
Receive inbox messages from friends, family and business associates daily.
Search up to five (5) people per week on your desired social media platform.
A 3 minute Remote Production Studio Recording Session to capture your audio content.
Example of Your Healthy Protest Production
Additionally you are also;
Permitted unlimited post in the Healthy Protest Group.
Admitted into the Confined Human Collective A Health and Wellness Group
24/7 Emancipation Professional support
Unlimited Access to All Health and Wellness lectures
Access to our Therapeutic Hotline
Access to our Confined Human Crisis Text/email service to ensure your welfare while confined.